Akero brings marketing & admissions teams together

The student advertising and conversion platform, powered by AI, supported by Higher Education experts.

Seamlessly connect your digital marketing spend to your enrollment outcomes

…and visualize the whole student journey so you can increase enrollment and reduce costs.

AI powered student advertising with guaranteed results

Student media plans with precise targeting and customized recommendations, powered by billions of data points, with live reporting on every metric that matters.

Don’t let your perfect students slip through your fingers

Create next gen forms instantly, build stunning landing pages with the drag and drop builder, and increase inquiries by up to 5x.

Get complete clarity on your recruitment funnel

Connect your digital marketing spend to your enrollment outcomes and reduce the cost of acquisition by up to 50%, seamlessly integrating with all major CRMs including Slate, Salesforce and MS Dynamics.

We are a Slate Platinum Preferred Partner

Akero and Slate customers can seamlessly integrate their data between the two platforms, enabling universities to access a more unified and streamlined platform that will help them to better connect with prospective students, streamline the conversion process, and drive better enrollment outcomes.

What our clients say

Take a look at our Case Studies and see how we have helped other higher Education experts.